Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Feeling Stuffed??

Feeling stuffed after Thanksgiving?? 

If you have been eating a little too much lately or not making the best choices, now is the time to stop

Start eating health right away, not tomorrow, not Monday, not Jan 1, lol, but today!!  We all too often put it off to a later time while continuing to eat poorly.  The food we put into our mouths is so important.  This time of year sugar is a real problem.  I used to eating sugar on Halloween which would then continue to Thanksgiviing.  Then of course holiday baking would be right around the corner.  By New Years I would have gained 10 to 15 pounds.  It would take me until the summer to lose it and for a few months would look and feel great.  I no longer do that to myself.  Getting sugar out of your system is the key.  Make the choice to not eat sugar, white flour, unhealthy starches.   Feeling good is the best gift you can give yourself this holiday season. 

Take good care of will not regret it!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you enjoy your time with family and friends! I try to be grateful for the many blessings in my life year round but am reminded this time of year to really give thanks! So thank you to all of you who have impacted my life in one way or another! God bless!

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Healthiest Time of Year?

Hard to believe it is soon to be Thanksgiving.   I was watching the news this morning and they were showing people camped out at Best Buy for Black Friday.   My thoughts are not on holiday shopping yet. I know that is bad but I can't get there quite yet.   Instead I am thinking of health options for the holidays!  Trying to eat healthy and not let it all go to the wayside.  My goal this year is to continue on a healthy path right through the holidays.  Anyone care to join me?  Let's encourage one another to eat healthy, exercise and enjoy ourselves while feeling great!!  Who's in???